Wilujeng Sumping di Sumedang Tandang (Welcome In Sumedang Tandang)

West Java Art and Culture

on Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Wayang Golek"

Wayang golek is an original tradition from West java Indonesia. Wayang golek are three dimensional wooden puppets which similar to human face. Wayang Golek puppets have very finely detailed carvings on the head and body, with vivid color and detailed paintings. Like other craft In Indonesia, making wayang golek is a skill handed down through families. The master puppet-maker usually makes the head because it expresses the personality of the puppet. The Wayang Golek body is beautifully decorated in beads and Batik. Some Wayang Golek puppets have wings carved of either leather or wood and are painted by hand. Wayang golek show is usually done during traditional parties, marriages, and circumcision. No pays for watching wayang golek, people come and go as they please. The showtime could reach whole night or only several hours. The plays and stories are based on the Ramayana or Mahabharata epics. The man who plays wayang golek is called “dalang”. A dalang, or puppet master, manipulated the puppets, spoke their parts, and coordinated the puppets' actions with music from a gamelan orchestra. If you are interest to listen the gamelan orchestra of wayang golek and having wayang golek as your collection please find at the right side of this page.


dedaeng said...

Inilah kekayaan budaya bangsa kita. Sayangnya semakin berkurang saja perhatian pemerintah untuk menjaga agar budaya asing tidak gencar "membunuh" budaya asli kita.

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