So far, there is reason to believe that Indonesia is still unknown (except Bali) and even alien to a large part of the foreign community. Actually Indonesia has a huge potential tourism for visitors, for example Sumedang.
Sumedang as a tourist resort promises maximum facilities, services and satisfaction for visitors. Beautiful view, beautiful mountain, unique culture and good foods also. Sumedang famous with “Kota Leutik Campeurnik”, in English we called “A beautifull little City” and also famous with “kota tahu” or “city of tofu”. There we can found a lot of mountain that suruonded sumedang city.
- Geographic Details
- The History and The Culture of Sumedang
Typical of Sumedang regency is one ancient city in Java Island, that is alun-alun as a center of the city and Mesjid Agung Sumedang on the right, beside the Jail on the left and the government office in front of alun-alun.
As the former capital and the big kingdom in the past, Sumedang and its people are very rich in its cultural heritage. Civilization, art and culture had developed respectively in the era of “Sumedang larang kingdom” until this time. “Sumedang Larang kingdom” has built by Prabu Geusan Ulun which is a part of galuh Kingdom. After a period of timeSumedang larang kingdom has several change name
1. Tembong Agung Kingdom (12nd century) and Prabu Guru Adji Putih as a king. Tembong’s mean “appear” and Agung means “high degree position”.
2. On 14th century the name becomes “Himbar Buana” and Prabu Tajimalela as a king, which is means as the famous kingdom which can be a lighter in the life.
3. “Sumedang Larang” still on the period of Prabu Tajimalela. This name is connected with the magic power action of Prabu Tajimalela in the period of his life. The last king of Sumedang Larang kingdom Is Prabu Geusan Ulun. Sumedang larang becomes from two words, Sumedang comes from “Insun Medal/ insun Medangan” that means “I was born”, and “larang” which is mean “has incredible power”.
- Population
As of 2008, the total population of sumedang regency amounted to 1000.000. The majority of resident are Javanese whose language derives from ancient sanscrit. However, Sumedang is considered to be “Indonesian academic city” especially in Jatinangor and Angkrek due to the numerous centers for higher learning, many of the inhabitants are students who come from all over Indonesia to study. Majorities of Sumedang people are worked in the agriculture sector.
- Cultural Performances
As the ancient culture, Sumedang shows its importance as a cultural and art especially in the art of performing and magical traditional dancing. The following art froms all can be found in and around sumedang. Kuda Renggong, Tarawangsa, Tari Umbul, Reog and Calung.
Kuda Renggong is held on “salametan” (safe ceremony) and “Sunatan” (circumcision ceremony), at present is the most popular type of cultural performance in Sumedang. Kuda Renggong consist wonderful costumes and use a horse as a symbol, followed by magical dancing.
"Umbul Dance"
As the ancient cultural city, sumedang is richness in classical and traditional dances. Umbul Dance can still be found in the villages and are usually presented by local performer, especially in Situraja subdistrict. Umbul dance is holding on specific ocasions such us wedding celebrations.
- Art and Craft In Sumedang
- Bamboo Carve and Craft
- AirGun Craft
Airgun is a unique art form, a combimation between artistic expression and technical skills. Airgun craft can be fount at the west of Sumedang, especially in Cipacing.
- Furniture
Subdistrict Tanjungsari is famous as a centre of furniture production. The visitors are welcomed to tour the workshops to see the work process. It.s located 15kms from the city center.
- Special Foods
Sumedang has many special foods and “boled cilembu” is the other famous food from sumedang. In English we can call it “kaspe cassava”. The taste of this food is very sweet and delicious. We can found boled cilembu at tanjungsari and cadas pangeran. This food contains high carbohidrat and glucose.
“Salak Fruit”
“Sale Pisang”
“banana-fig” or Sale pisang is a product result of banana. In Sumedang you can
Found it at almost the store that sold the special food. Is a good idea when you eat this food with hot milk.
“Comet and Comring”
Comet is special food from sumedang. You can not find this food in other place. Comet is a product result from cassava. The taste is salty and crispy. Comet is good serve when coffe time.
“Opak ODED”
Opak Oded is a product result of “ketan rice”. You can find this food in conggeang subdistrict. The taste is salty and crispy but different from comet. The visitors can taste this food as introducing from a seller without pay.
if any question about Sumedang, please leave your comment here.
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banyak tempat dan budaya di sumedang yang rugi kalo di lewatkan...sepulang dari jakarta bandung atau kota manapun yang ada di bagian barat pulau jawa,anda bisa mampir
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