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Pencak Silat Art and Culture

on Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pencak Silat is an all comprising martial art from Indonesia. It is a form of self-defense which combines kicking, punching, grabbing, locking and several weapon-techniques to a graceful and dynamic hard-soft style. The emphasis lies in the agility, explosiveness and flexibility in combination with the surprise effect. All these aspects go hand in hand with traditional norms and values as brotherhood, self-discipline, politeness, loyalty and respect for others.Pencak Silat’s origin is from the Indonesian-Malaysian archipelago. When the Pencak Silat was established can not exactly be determined. Although the oldest archeological findings in the Indonesian archipelago which refer to the existence of martial arts in Indonesia are dated approximately in the year 800 A.C. Therefore one is convinced that Pencak Silat is at least older than 1200 years. Through the centuries Pencak Silat has developed it self to the extremely varied martial art it is today. At this moment there are at least 800 different Pencak Silat styles in Indonesia and is practiced in many countries in the world.In the past several names were given to this Indonesian martial art, which was mainly dependent on the region. The names used were parmoca, silat sile, silat, pencak, penak, etc. The name Pencak Silat as we know it today already existed before WWII. It was officially used the first time not until 1946, during the establishement of the first national Pencak Silat association (the IPSSI – Ikatan Pencak Silat Seluruh Indonesia). This organization is the predecessor of the current Pencak Silat association in Indonesia, the IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia).
There is no overall standard for Pencak Silat. Each style has its own particular movement patterns, specially designed techniques and tactical rationale. The richness of terms reflects a wide diversity in styles and techniques across the regions due to the fact that pencak silat has been developed by different masters who have created their own style according to their preferences and to the physical environment and social-cultural context in which they live. Lets take as example West Java, Central Java and Sumatra. West Java is inhabited by a specific ethnic group with specific cultural and social norms. For them, pencak silat is part of their way of life or as they say is "the blood in their body". In their language they say "penca" or "menpo" (from "maen poho', which literally means play with trickery) to indicate their main four styles Cimande, Cikalong, Timbangan, and Cikaret and all the schools and techniques which have derived from them. The Sundanese people have always utilized penca/mempo' for self-defense and recreation, and only recently have started to use it as a sport in national and regional competitions. In its self-defense form, using hands fighting techniques combined with a series of characteristic footsteps such as langka sigzag (zigzag step), langka tilu (triangular step), langka opat (quadrangular step) and langka lam alip, penca can be very dangerous. Therefore it is kept secret and, especially its magic (tenaga dalam or inner power) component is only taught in phases to selected students.
Penca as art (penca ibing) has been a source of inspiration for traditional Sundanese dances such as Jaepongan, Ketu'tilu', Dombret, and Cikeruhan and actually it resembles dance in its use of music instruments. These instruments, called "pencak drummers" (gendang penca), are devoted exclusively to penca performances and consist of two sets of drummers (gendang anak dan kulantir), a trumpet (tetet) and a gong. Pencak performances also use standard music rhythms such as tepak dua, tepak tilu, tepak dungdung, golempang and paleredan. Penca as art is not considered dangerous and can be openly shown to everyone. From generation to generation until today, penca performances animate wedding parties, rituals of circumcision, celebrations of the rice harvest and all kind of national festivities.
After analizing the Pencak Silat the grandmasters agreed upon a structure. This structure emphasizes the versatility of the Indonesian-Malaysian martial art. In this structure the Pencak Silat is devided in 4 aspects, namely;
• Kebatinan (mental-spiritual, such as meditation)
• Seni (cultural/art)
• Bela Diri (self-defense)
• Wiralaga/Tanding (sport)
Please take a look Pencak Silat video here or here


Anonymous said...

Kang salam kenal, semangat terus ya... kan pendekar silat mah pantang menyerah menghadapi rintangan :) . Tong pundung ku Om Gugel kan masih ada yang lainnya ;)

Just be Me

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